Category: Publications

Low-Cost and Easy-to-Fabricate Microwave Sensorfor Sensitive Glucose Monitoring: A Step TowardsContinuous Glucose Monitoring

Abstract: Basal-bolus insulin therapy is associated with frequent injections, dosing errors, and hypoglycemia risks. Integrating continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with insulin pumps offers several advantages. However, current CGM systems lack accuracy and have high costs. To overcome these challenges, a CGM system requires a sensor with enhanced sensitivity and low

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Deep learning-driven forward and inverse design of nanophotonic nanohole arrays: streamlining design for tailored optical functionalities and enhancing accessibility

Abstract: In nanophotonics, nanohole arrays (NHAs) are periodic arrangements of nanoscale apertures in thin films that provide diverse optical functionalities essential for various applications. Fully studying NHAs’ optical properties and optimizing performance demands understanding both materials and geometric parameters, which presents a computational challenge due to numerous potential combinations. Efficient

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Nanopriming and AI for Sustainable Agriculture: Boosting Seed Germination and Seedling Growth with Engineered Nanomaterials, and Smart Monitoring through Deep Learning

Abstract: Sustainable agriculture, essential for global food security, calls for innovative methods to improve crop yields and conserve resources. Nanopriming, utilizing nanoparticles to enhance seed germination and growth, builds preresistance to diseases and reduces dependence on pesticides and fertilizers. Here, we address two major challenges in the field: effects of

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Flexible, stretchable, and single-molecule-sensitive SERS-active sensor for wearable biosensing applications

Abstract: The development of wearable sensors for remote patient monitoring and personalized medicine has led to a revolution in biomedical technology. Plasmonic metasurfaces that enhance Raman scattering signals have recently gained attention as wearable sensors. However, finding a flexible, sensitive, and easy-to-fabricate metasurface has been a challenge for decades. In

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Electro-plasmonic nanoantenna: A nonfluorescent optical probe for ultrasensitive label-free detection of electrophysiological signals

Abstract: Harnessing the unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution capability of light to detect electrophysiological signals has been the goal of scientists for nearly 50 years. Yet, progress toward that goal remains elusive due to lack of electro-optic translators that can efficiently convert electrical activity to high photon count optical signals. Here, we

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Neuro-SWARM: System-on-a-Nanoparticle for Wireless Recording of Brain Activity

Abstract: A fundamental limitation of the implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMI) is the wiring requirements for power transfer and signal transmission. Existing microelectrode technologies can only record from localized sections of the brain and require implantation of invasive electrodes through cranial surgeries. Here, we introduce a system-on-a-nanoparticle probe, a Neurophotonic Solution-dispersible

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Active plasmonic nanoantenna: an emerging toolbox from photonics to neuroscience

Abstract: Concepts adapted from radio frequency devices have brought forth subwavelength scale optical nanoantenna, enabling light localization below the diffraction limit. Beyond enhanced light–matter interactions, plasmonic nanostructures conjugated with active materials offer strong and tunable coupling between localized electric/electrochemical/mechanical phenomena and far-field radiation. During the last two decades, great strides

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Modeling the path to >30% power conversion efficiency in perovskite solar cells with plasmonic nanoparticles

Abstract: Mixed organic–inorganic halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are a promising technology with increasing power conversion efficiency (PCE), low-cost material constituents, simple scalability, and a low-temperature solution fabrication process. Recent developments have seen energy conversion efficiencies increase from 3.8% to over 20%. However, to further improve PCE and reach the

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