Nisat Tasnim and Mirza M. A Tunur to Present Research on Colorimetric Detection of Cadmium Ions at BCSIR Congress-2023 February 10, 2024
Congratulations to Ahnaf Tahmid Tousif, Nafisa Amin Hridi, Tanzim Rahman, and Zayed Bin Zahir Arju for defending their BSc thesis. February 3, 2024
Tomoshree Dash has been accepted to the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University for their Ph.D. program. She has been offered a Graduate Research Assistantship and will join the Nanophotonics Laboratory in Spring 2024. December 26, 2023
Congratulations, Nishat Tasnim, for receiving an NST fellowship for her project on the SRR resonator October 10, 2023
Nafisa Amin Hridi Selected as First-Ever Bangladeshi Undergraduate to Attend OPTICA’s Student Leadership Experience October 4, 2023
Congratulations to Nishat Tasnim, who was shortlisted for the prestigious NST fellowship. August 24, 2023
Congratulations to Bublee Das, who successfully defended her MSc thesis in Microbial Biosensors. August 2, 2023
Our first publication is out! “Flexible, Stretchable, and Single-Molecule-Sensitive SERS-Active Sensor for Wearable Biosensing Applications” Congrats to Aminul and Nishat! July 11, 2023